April & May 2016 Programme

Sunday 24th April 2016

There are FOUR elements to our commemorations on Sunday 24th April (timings below) and you are invited to attend any or all of these:

  • Following in their footsteps: Retracing the Fingal detachments’ route from the GPO (where they reported, having travelled in from the Swords area) to the Mendicity Institution to reinforce Sean Heuston’s garrison.
  • Steeven’s Hospital graveside ceremony at the grave of Peter Wilson of the Fingal Brigade, the only volunteer killed in the battle of Heuston’s Fort.
  • Unveiling of the Dublin City Council Commemorative Naming plaque at the front gate post of the old Mendicity, 9 Usher’s Island by the Lord Mayor, Críona Ní Dhálaigh. Defence Forces colour party in attendance.
  • Light refreshments (arranged by DCC) in St. Catherine’s Community and Sports Centre, Marrowbone Lane.

Sunday 24th April 2016:

10.13 Rush/Lusk train departs for Connolly station
10.50 Assemble GPO
11.00 Guided walk commences from GPO
12.00 Guided walk arrives Island St
12.00 – 12.20 Rest break for guided walk participants
12.30 Assemble gates of Dr Steeven’s Hospital, opp Heuston Station
12.40 Piper leads attendants to graveside for lilies ceremony
13.05 Graveside ceremony concludes
13.20 Assemble at old Mendicity Institution gates, 9 Ushers Island
13.30 Civic Commemorative Naming Plaque ceremony
14.00 Refreshments at St Catherine’s Centre, Marrowbone lane

DCC Invitation-1916-Garrison-Plaques-Unveiling

Click on Peter Wilson ceremony and  “DCC Plaque unveilingfor photos of these events.

Sunday 8th May 2016

3am Vigil at Sean Heuston monument, Phoenix Park

3.00am Attendees assemble at Zoo coach-parking area
3.15am Stewards lead attendees to People’s Gardens
3.20am Attendees move to the Sean Heuston Statue area
3.25am Ceremony begins
3.55am Ceremony ends
Attendees led back to parking area by stewards

Click on “Sean Heuston vigil for photos of this event